In the heart of Cincinnati, Ohio, a unique business thrives under the keen leadership of Mechel Hudson. Her triad of business ventures, encompassing InteleTravel, Sisterlocks, and Paparazzi, represents a daring fusion of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. But what sets Mechel apart from others in her line of work is her personable charm and a distinct eye for style, evident in every aspect of her business.
A Self-Made Journey
Mechel Hudson’s journey to entrepreneurship began from a place of necessity and gradually turned into a passion. When her regular loctician had to stop servicing her hair, Mechel found herself stepping into the role. Taking specialized classes and gaining certification as a loctician, Mechel mastered the art of Sisterlocks. It was during this educational journey that her entrepreneurial spirit was sparked and nurtured.
“I needed things done for myself. I was dependent on a loctician who had to stop doing my hair. So I took the class and learned how to do it myself. Once I got started with it, I loved the idea of being an entrepreneur,” shares Mechel.
Her businesses now cater to a wide variety of customers, providing not only Sisterlocks services but also selling affordable, stylish jewelry under the Paparazzi brand and offering exciting travel opportunities with InteleTravel.
Balancing Business and Personal Loss
The most significant event that shaped Mechel’s personal and professional life was the loss of her mother in 2019. Her mother’s influence and support played a massive role in Mechel’s life and business journey. The lessons learned from this personal tragedy turned into valuable business insights for Mechel.
“I learned that personal relationships are important and to always take what you can learn and apply them to make yourself a better person,” Mechel states.
Empowering Others Through Entrepreneurship
One of Mechel’s business ventures, Paparazzi, sells affordable jewelry, giving customers access to style without breaking the bank. This approach aligns with her goal to empower others, including her 30-year-old son, Ryan Richardson. A professional barber and an entrepreneur himself, Ryan serves as an additional source of inspiration for Mechel’s business endeavors.
“I have a 30-year-old son who is a professional barber. I’m super proud of him; he’s an entrepreneurial inspiration for me,” Mechel says, her face lighting up with a mother’s pride.
Giving Back to the Community
Giving back to the community is another cornerstone of Mechel’s business model. She actively supports the Ester C Hatton Women’s Shelter in Cincinnati, organizing annual drives and donations. This dedication to charity is not just an add-on to her business but an integral part of her personal beliefs and ethics.
Building a Legacy
As a solo entrepreneur, Mechel faces the challenges of managing her time and resources efficiently. The business is growing, and overcoming hurdles every day.
The Mechel Hudson Experience
Throughout our interview, Mechel exudes an air of honesty and dedication. She makes it clear that she isn’t just running a business; she’s building a legacy. With her unique brand positioning and a knack for style consultation, Mechel is revolutionizing the concept of entrepreneurship, one Sisterlock and jewelry piece at a time.
In Mechel’s own words, “Live Life Richly,” and indeed, through her businesses, she offers a rich experience to her customers. She is more than just a style consultant. Mechel Hudson is a testament to resilience, entrepreneurial spirit, and the sheer power of turning personal passions into a successful business.
Awesome interview. Very inspiring.